Smarter Card Tips 5 of 5

Do Smarter Cards Make for a Safer Environment?

In the fifth and final part of this five-part series, we are examining the smash and grab, a less than subtle way criminals and intruders can penetrate your organization's security protocols. Encrypted cards won't help when your doors are bypassed entirely.

Example 5 of 5: Smash & Grab

Glass breaks, roof access, and even vehicles used as battering rams render access card systems useless and give immediate results to perpetrators.

In situations such as these, it's critical that you set up procedures focusing on the protection of your team members and your most expensive assets.


First and foremost, before a smash and grab can occur, we suggest having 3M Security Film applied to your glass surfaces. Our sister company LSI Graphics provides this service, which has been proven to significantly increase the difficulty of a break-in buying valuable time for the authorities to respond to the incident.

Also, a great way to reduce the likelihood of a smash and grab is by increasing the visible presence of your onsite security detail. Criminals are less likely to attempt a break-in when they know there are guards in place that can catch them in the act.

Finally, training your team to always be on the lookout for suspicious individuals on your premises and to report any strange behavior doesn't cost you anything and can pay dividends.


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